Are you aware of the influences the moon has on your physiology, energetic body and mind?
Start planning for the 1st SUPER PINK FULL MOON OF THE YEAR Monday 26 April, 6pm.
Not that it will look βsuper pinkβ, just its usual golden colour near the horizon and fade to a bright white as it glides overhead in preparation to celebrate the ANZAC spirit and remember our diggers for the sacrifice they made to enable all of us to enjoy events like this.
Shar Clements from Evolve will start the evening with a relaxing free flow yoga session and a peaceful meditation with the beautiful sound healing played by Lorie Norton from Twice as Nice Gallery Cafe using Rainbow Sounds Energy crystal bowls.

The combination of yoga poses and sound frequencies will assist your body to enter a relaxed state, bringing awareness within your body and mind, allowing your nervous system to relax and rejuvenate, providing deep healing at a cellular level.
Suitable for beginners and experienced. All are welcome.
Enquires welcome: Janice Wood 0414 648 804 | Booking are requiredΒ A hint of pink or poppy pin 
$25 per soul (Gift included)

$25 per soul (Gift included)
You can contact: Shar Clements (Yoga) on 0423 093 375 | Norie Norton (Sound) on 0409 506 449 | Rainbow Sounds on 0410 401 254